all postcodes in RG14 / NEWBURY

find any address or company within the RG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG14 2AA 1 1 51.413002 -1.319112
RG14 2AB 1 1 51.404911 -1.314717
RG14 2AD 24 22 51.403245 -1.317373
RG14 2AE 4 4 51.404254 -1.314737
RG14 2AH 1 1 51.406011 -1.3168
RG14 2AJ 13 1 51.406533 -1.315412
RG14 2AL 9 0 51.406207 -1.315014
RG14 2AN 5 0 51.405988 -1.314399
RG14 2AP 29 0 51.408651 -1.313195
RG14 2AQ 36 0 51.406963 -1.315147
RG14 2AR 15 0 51.406473 -1.312825
RG14 2AS 31 0 51.408331 -1.312179
RG14 2AT 36 0 51.407908 -1.313652
RG14 2AU 6 0 51.405911 -1.313495
RG14 2AW 15 1 51.406691 -1.313138
RG14 2AX 11 0 51.40563 -1.313154
RG14 2AY 3 1 51.405563 -1.312436
RG14 2BA 22 1 51.404615 -1.311818
RG14 2BB 76 0 51.405365 -1.309377
RG14 2BD 6 0 51.406089 -1.314867